Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Another quote

If you have never totally given your will to Him, you... wonder whether He has given His all to you. - Ravi Zacharias

Monday, November 07, 2005


God can't change your mind. But you can't change your heart. Repentance is you changing your mind, so God can change your heart. - Richard Roberts

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

random stuff

Thanks for praying. Things worked out for my teeth.

So I need to become more disciplined. I realized that. I was reading The Seven Habits of Successful People or something like that. Anyway, I came to realize the habit that I am lacking is putting first things first. Otherwise I do this, that, or whatever and then am scrambling.

I am convinced pride is a block. It is a block to getting prayer requests answered. It's a block from being the best we possibly can be. Oh, we can still go a long ways, but I am convinced that it stops us from reaching the zenith of our potential, in many ways.

Man, so I was thinking I felt like writing something and now I don't want to really explain myself. Eh, oh well. Maybe in two weeks I'll get the urge to blog again. Yeah, I definetly am NOT the best blogger in this world.