Saturday, February 27, 2010


I found this here

I assume it is a reputable source.


NOTE: For centuries, Haiti has been one of the darkest nations
in the world - full of voodoo and witchcraft - even at the highest
levels of government. But now - look at this!!



Jerry Miel is a good friend and radio engineer who served as a
missionary in Haiti with World Team mission when we lived there.
He worked with the Christian station, Radio Lumiere (Radio Light).
He has gone back to Haiti to help in the aftermath of the earthquake
and makes these important observations. -- Boxley

-by Jerry Miel (Feb 17).

I think that I will remember this day as one of the most significant
in my life, not because of what I did, but for it's meaning...

Today was the one month anniversary of the great Haitian earthquake.

About 3 days ago the Haitian President announced that there
would be 3 days of holiday from work for the purpose of fasting
and prayer. This is absolutely historic. If you have ever been in
Haiti as a visitor or missionary, could you ever have imagined
such a pronouncement? Could you image such an announcement
from the U.S. President? This morning I saw a young Haitian-
American woman, the leader of a work team, crying because the
Americans could not understand the incredible importance of this
day and wanted to go about business as usual. Remember, it was
only about 6 years ago that a former Haitian president called the
nation to come together to rededicate the nation to Satan.

This was not "a minute of silence for the deceased" or something
as equally insignificant. Whatever the President might have
originally intended, this became a real commitment for the Haitian
people. As I sit here this evening, I can hear the preaching coming
from a nearby church. Services have been going on all day...

Let me tell you what I saw and felt today.

Peniel and I had planned an inspection trip up to the Artibonite
Valley today. Right or wrong, I don't really know, but since it was
the only opportunity, we went ahead with the trip. As we left the
guest house about 7:30 am, we were met by throngs of well
dressed people headed to various churches. The sounds of
Christian music and worship filled the air everywhere. The next
observation was that there was NO traffic. Port-au-Prince streets
are always clogged and overflowing with bumper to bumper traffic.
This morning there were only a few vehicles on the roads, a few
small buses (tap taps), some UN and military vehicles, and a few
private cars. We had clear sailing through town. The same was
true of foot traffic. Usually the streets are clogged also with
people walking. Today there were only a few and many of them
dressed for church. The only place that there were traffic blocks
was in front of several churches where the congregations had
overflowed the buildings and the yards and had moved out into
the streets as well.

The next observation was that EVERYTHING was closed! We
could not find even one business or gas station open. There were
no intercity buses running. Whereas the sidewalks are usually
overflowing with millions of street venders, we only saw a few here
and there. The huge outdoor market near the wharf where
thousands work each day and is spread out to cover most of the
street, was EMPTY.

Where were all the people? They were in churches and makeshift
meeting sites. Every church (except a JW church) had services
going on, almost always overflowing into the streets. Beside
broken down churches, services were taking place outside. In
homeless camps, there were services. Everywhere the nation was
gathered to worship and pray. No, I did not see any voodoo,
Islamic, or Buddhist services. This scene was repeated in every
town and hamlet that we passed during the day.

Tonight, Pastor Ignace, who is sharing the room with me, asked
this question: "Can people still say that Haiti is a voodoo country?"
What has been happening and is continuing to happen in Haiti did
not happen because of the earthquake. It has been happening
because the Haitian people know how to pray. This is a tremendous
outpouring of God's power as the result of prayer. Twenty years
ago I started praying for the Gospel to change the Haitian culture.
I think that I am seeing God do that work.

The only sadness that I feel today is for our nation. While a nation
that has long been under Satan's domination is turning to God
with total commitment, our nation, founded on Godly values has
rejected God and is rapidly trying to forget that his name even
exists. Let us pray for revival.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Andrew Murray

I just read through Andrew Murray's book The Spirit of Christ. You can read it online from Google books for free if you want.

I tossed a few of my favorite quotes of his below. Enjoy!

The Spirit always acts, in the first place; whether in nature or grace, as a Life-giving principle. It is of the deepest importance to keep firm hold on this. His work in the believer, of Sealing, Sanctifying, Enlightening, and Strengthening, is all rooted in this: it is as He is known and honoured, and place given to Him, as He is waited on, as the Inner Life of the soul, that His other gracious workings can be experienced. These are but the outgrowth of the Life; it is in the power of the Life within that they can be enjoyed. ' (43)

How much of Scripture reading, and Scripture study, and Scripture preaching is there in which the first and main object is to reach the meaning of the Word ? Men think that if they know correctly and exactly what it means, there will come as a natural consequence the blessing the Word is meant to bring. This is by no means the case. The Word is a seed. In every seed there is a fleshy part, in which the life is hidden. One may have the most precious and perfect seed in its bodily, substance, and yet unless it be exposed in suitable soil to the influence of sun and moisture, the life may never grow up. And so we may hold the words and the doctrines of Scripture most intelligently and earnestly, and yet know little of their life or power. (Page 47)

What is needed is very simple: the determined refusal to attempt to deal with the written word without the quickening Spirit. Let us never take Scripture into our hand, or mind, or mouth, without realizing the need and the promise of the Spirit. First, in a quiet act of worship, look to God to give and renew the workings of His Spirit within you; then, in a quiet act of faith, yield yourself to the power that dwells in you, and wait on Him, that not the mind alone, but the life in you, may be opened to receive the Word. Let the Holy Spirit be your life. To the Spirit and the Life coming out from within to meet the Word from without as its food, the words of Christ are indeed Spirit and Life. (48).

I see it more and more : The power of the word and its truth depend upon living fellowship with Jesus. (50)

OUR Lord promises here [in reference to John 7:37-38], that those who come unto Him and drink, who believe in Him, will not only never thirst, but will themselves become fountains, whence streams of living water, of life and blessing, will flow forth. (51)

In writing to the Corinthians, Paul had to reprove them for sad and terrible sins, and yet he says to all, including the feeblest and most unfaithful believer, 'Know ye not that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?' Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost ?' He is sure that if this were believed, if to this truth were given the place God meant it to have, it would not only be the motive, but the power of a new and holy life. (65-66)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Magic Bullet

I think there is a magic bullet - it is called ongoingly, experientially knowing the heart of God.

When you know the heart of God, you can't help but walk in His heart for other people.

When you know the heart of God for yourself, a fresh revelation of His love comes. This dispells the fear and worries and jealousy.

When you know the heart of God, love overflows to others. Not only that, it is a much better conduit for God's power to flow through us and faith flows through love. It is they who know their God that do exploits according to Daniel.

When you know the heart of God, it helps keep us from giving up on people because we see them from His perspective.

When you know the heart of God, it will push you further forward into your destiny of advancing His kingdom because those that are compelled by His love for others will accomplish more than they ever could have just by wanting to desire their dreams to come to fruition. It will also dispel the fear related to these dreams!

When you know the heart of God, yeilding to Him becomes much more of a joy than a burden.

When you know the heart of God, trusting Him becomes much, much easier.

When you know the heart of God, He quickens the principles, truth, and revelation to overcome, strategies for advancing the kingdom, etc.

When you know the heart of God, He restores innocence, purity, etc.

When you know the heart of God, He acts as a mirror showing us areas that are not in line with Him that were so intertwined with us that we would have never realized it (Tozer calls these the "self-" sins in The Pursuit of God). But through knowing His heart, He gently changes us to conform to Him and His perspective.

When you know the heart of God, you live heaven to earth from His perspective, rather than earth to heaven from the perspective of religion (this might not make sense to everyone).

Thank you Jesus for a fresh encounter with Your heart today at school.